Africa Mercy

Africa Mercy

Monday, June 23, 2014

Monday night in Las Palmas

Well it is Monday night, again, after a weekend that really afforded some rest and a little relaxation.

Peggy informed me I wasn't getting enough pictures of what I am doing.  That is kind of hard to do since I can't work and take "selfies" at the same time. She got off a little early today so she creeps up on me and tries to get some work pictures..not very good but I was working. She also took a couple of pictures of some of the other project team doing their work. It really is a beehive of activity and sometimes we get our work changed 2 or 3 times in a matter of minutes. We are trying to coordinate with the contract workers here in the shipyard who are on board and work around them, as well as go ahead of them to remove parts of the ship so they can access their work. I finally did some actual electrical work and got quite a bit accomplished. Between learning "ship" wiring and "European electrical" systems, I am getting quite an education. I only made sparks once today, but don't tell anyone.

We attended an Anglican Church Sunday and it was quite an experience. The minister has a heavy accent and it was hard for me to hear. The church is open and echoes a lot. It is a very formal and orchestrated and the best I can make out is the order of the service is the same week after week. The sermon was very good and relevant and the hymns were old Anglican, I guess, with lots of good lyrics and message. I think they serve Communion every Sunday and we partook of that.

On the way home, we saw an open air market that we found out is held every Sunday so next Sunday we plan on going after church. It is a large flea market type affair with old and new stuff.

This Wednesday, the ship's Futbol team will play the Shipyard Futbol team so we are going after work to cheer them on. We found out they do this while in Africa also with local teams.

I think they might have taken the ship's propellers today but I am too tired to climb down and back up the scaffolding tonight, so maybe tomorrow I can get pictures of that process.

We had new crew orientation tonight and had to do a lot of safety stuff even though we are not at sea, safety is a primary concern. We had to learn the alarms for different types of drills (and actual emergencies) and escape routes.

Thanks for the continued prayers and if there is something in particular that piques your interest about the ship and Las Palmas, let me know and I will try to get pictures and an explanation.

Ken and Peggy
                                                   For all electricians back home, typical wiring

                                                 Nina, from California, pulling wires for cell phone repeater
                                                    New crew orientation
                                        Weekly order of service

                                         Crowded overhead work space

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