Africa Mercy

Africa Mercy

Friday, August 1, 2014

Friday August 1, 2014..Final week approaching

Not a lot has happened in terms of work, but in terms of getting ready to sail everything here is bustling..

I wrote last week that we had a decision to make and we have made it. We had been asked to stay an additional month and sail to Benin and help with the screening of patients and other duties. They had a real need for Peggy in hospitality (her strong suit) but I didn't have a position offered that I was comfortable with. So after much thought and prayers, we told them we had to go home, BUT in the future we will come back if the right positions open. So many people here have really begged us to stay, but we can't at this time.

The deck crews are working long hours loading supplies, vehicles, life boats and the list is never ending. Quite a process and it is going like clockwork, or so it seems to us watching from the decks. Today we watched as they reloaded the lifeboats, one from off the dock and one from in the water. Also they loaded most of the vehicles today and again, quite a process. We leave at noon on Monday, so no one can leave the ship on Monday morning. We are still getting new crews member, and returning crew members. The ship is really becoming a small community. Everyone gets along with each other (35 nations represented) and all walks of life. There are still critical positions that need to be filled, so keep praying God sends the right people at the right time.

Last night we were thrilled to have one of our project team entertain us in honor of Switzerland.  Back home he plays the Apline Horn (think Ricolah commercial) the lonnnngggg horns you see in pictures. So he offered to play last night for us. Now we all wondered how he brought a long horn with him on the airplane, but when we got to the auditorium, he brought out a funnel, a garden hose, and his mouthpiece. He then played along with a beautiful Swiss CD and it was wonderful, and quite beautiful. It reminded Peggy and me of our trip to Switzerland and hearing the horns played along with songs and yodeling. Sweet memories.

Peggy's manager, Henry spoke in community last night and what a challenge. He stated how so many people are so busy doing "God's" work, that we forget the most important commandment. To LOVE God, above all else. How do you want to be remembered at the end of your life?...he was a good husband, a good father, a benevolent giver, a helper,,the list goes on. All good things, but the most we should want to be said is "He or she, LOVED God!!'  Everything we do in life will pass, but our love for God and others is all people will remember about us, hopefully. Quite a challenge for me. Henry also keeps praying for us to come back,,,and he is quite a prayer warrior. He prays in specifics and so who knows, his prayers may be answered for us.
 Installing lights in new container
 Loading lots and lots of supplies
 Good-bye to Elza, Peggy's supervisor in HR. leaving for a while
 New ship Manager from Switzerland, has a lovely wife and 4 adorable girls
 Henry, Peggy's manager
 Heinreich playing his "Alpine Horn"
 Loading vehicles

 Loaded and tied down, all in a logical order for the trip to Benin
 Swimming pool doubles as storage while not on field service
 Loading first lifeboat from dock
 Bags of water to enable cables to drop down to pick up lifeboat, without weight cables would not descend
 2nd lifeboat approaching liftoff
 Rescue boat to remove lifeboat personnel before lifting out of water
Rescue boat being loaded back on board

I am still on loan to the engineering department and I feel like I am doing some worthwhile projects. A lot of these have been put on the back burner for lack of time and manpower, and now I am able to help them get done. A lot of departments are thankful and they are quick to tell me. As we try to sail, and serve in Benin, I have been able to retrofit 1 new container with lighting, repair a video cable in OR so they can monitor the procedures and patients, install new rolling monitors in the Hospital wing, (these are informational screens that tell what is going on), moved several plugs in cabins to accommodate new furniture and a lot of other small stuff, to me, but big stuff to the ship.

We were told today about the relations we (Mercy ship staff) have developed with the shipyard and we have seen several tours of the shipyard personnel coming through and getting to see what Mercy Ship does. Have had 2 times, I have seen local TV on board filming, I guess for news reports. I was even featured in one, so watch your local Spain station and you can see me.

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